Accessibility Policy


Stratcom is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and equity opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting the accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

Stratcom views accessibility as a continuous process and will regularly review and update policies, procedures, and guidelines in response to new information or developments in the Company’s understanding around accessibility.


The purpose of this policy is to outline the actions the Company will take to ensure alignment with the Company’s values, the principles of this policy, and the AODA. Particularly, the objective is to ensure equality of opportunity and full integration for employees, applicants for employment, and those who use our services.


Items and related actions addressed herein include the following:

  • Multi-year Plan
  • Training Employees
  • Information and Communication
  • Feedback
  • Websites and Web Content
  • Employment Standards

Multi-Year Plan

In compliance with the AODA, Stratcom has developed a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan that outlines the Company’s strategy to prevent and remove barriers to accessing services, integration, and equality of opportunity in the workplace. The Plan will be posted on the Company website and, where requested, a printed copy will be made available in an accessible format. The Plan will be reviewed and updated as new practices and requirements come into effect, at least once every five years.

Training Employees

The Company will train employees and consultants who engage with the public on behalf of the organization on the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (AODA) and the Ontario Human Rights Code, as they relate to respective roles and duties.

Training will be provided to all new employees, and on an ongoing basis in connection with any changes to the policies, practices and procedures relating to the provision of goods or services to persons with disabilities. Training method and content will be tailored to role.

Records relating to training will be maintained by the Company.

Information and Communication

Upon request, the Company will provide workplace information in an accessible format and with communication supports. Workplace information that is:

  • about company services,
  • required by employees to perform their jobs,
  • generally available to all employees in the workplace, and
  • public safety information.

The provision of accessible workplace information will be done in a timely manner and take into consideration the accommodation needs of the person with disabilities and the capacity of the Company to provide the support.


Feedback on the Company’s Accessibility Policy is welcome and appreciated. Accessible formats and communication supports will be provided, or arranged, upon request. The public will be notified of the availability of accessible formats and communication supports.

Website and Web Content

The Company will ensure its website is accessible and that web content meet internationally recognized Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA website requirements.

Employment Standards

From recruitment through until an employee’s last day of employment, Stratcom commits to considering the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities.

Recruitment, Assessment and Selection

The Company will notify employees and the public that, upon request, accommodations will be made to meet the needs of persons with disabilities participating in any aspect of the selection process.

Workplace Emergency Response

If the Company becomes aware that an employee may need help in the event of an emergency because of a disability, the Company will do the following:

  • provide the employee with individualized emergency response information, and
  • with the employee’s consent, share this information with person(s) designated to help the employee in an emergency

The Company will review the employee’s emergency response information when overall accommodation needs are reviewed; the employee with a disability changes work locations and, when the organization’s general response policies are reviewed.

Documented Individual Accommodation Policy

Where an employee with a disability makes a reasonable request for accommodation, the Company will consult with the employee to develop an individual accommodation plan.

The plan will include:

  • how workplace information will be provided in an accessible format, if requested,
  • how emergency information will be provided in an accessible format, if needed, and
  • accommodations that are to be provided

Performance Management, Career Development, Advancement, and Redeployment

The Company will consider the accommodation needs and/or individual accommodation plans when providing information to employees with disabilities around performance management, career development, advancement, or redeployment.

Return to Work Process

The Company will develop and maintain a return-to-work process to support employees who have been absent from work due to a disability and require disability-related accommodations to return to work.

Related processes, including an individualized accommodation plan, will be documented.

Additional information

REVIEW DATE: January 31, 2022

Documents can be requested in accessible formats by emailing